Sunday, April 5, 2009

MRSA Infection: Clean and Cover your Cuts!

MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is a type of staph infection that is resistant to alot of antibiotics that are used to treat the typical "staph" infection. Without proper treatment MRSA can be fatal. Many competitive college athletes can be at risk for MRSA is they do not clean and properly treat their cuts and wounds. MRSA outbreaks can happen on any sports team. MRSA can be found in locker rooms, courts and turf fields. MRSA can be spread through skin to skin contact and through cuts and abrasions. MRSA can also be spread through athletic equpiment if athletes share razors, towels, uniforms and protective equipment. This is why it is extremely important to properly treat and then cover any wound on your body while competing in sports and doing physical activity and washing and keep athletic equipment clean.
Signs and Symptoms:
MRSA will generally start off as small red bumps that look like pimples, boils and it can even look like a spider bite. If left untreated the red bumps can form into deep and painful abscesses that need to be drained surgically. MRSA becomes life threatening when it penetrates into the body. If it gets into the body it can cause serious infections in the bones, joints, bloodstream, surgical wounds, heart valves and lungs. MRSA can be treated with antibiotics, ones that have been clincally proven to fight certain strains of MRSA. One that is used alot is called vancomycin.
To help prevent the spread of MRSA it is important to wash your hands, keep your own athletic equipment to yourself, cover all cuts, sanitize any towels and uniforms used, shower after athletic events and practices and report any new infections to your athletic trainer. As an athletic training student, I know MRSA breakouts can occur at anytime. MRSA can be prevented if athletes make sure that they follow the above mentioned precautions. It is extremely important that you the athlete always report to your athletic trainer any sign of infection. If MRSA goes undetected it can be fatal if it reaches your bloodstream. Therefore, all you die hard athletes out there make sure to take care of yourself and your cuts because MRSA is no joke.
For more information visit here:

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