Many of you may use low calorie sweetener to give an added sweetness to your food or favorite beverage such as Splenda, Equal, Sweet n' Low, Sugaree and Sunett. A new calorie sweetener has just been put out on the market and it is called Truvia. Truvia is a natural sweetener made from the stevia plant. The stevia plant comes from Paraguay and has been used for over 200 years to sweeten foods and beverages. Truvia argues that its product is better than most other natural sweeteners because this natural sweetener is made with rebiana. Rebiana is said to be the best tasting part of the stevia plant. Other natural sweeteners are usually a combination of different parts of the stevia leaf. For more information on Truvia visit:
As new artificial sweeteners are being put out on the market and many others already out there it is important to find out if these sweeteners are a safe. Most people that are using artificial sweeteners use them to help enjoy their favorite foods without as many calories. Alot of people use artificial sweeteners in helping with weight loss and to prevent weight gain. Right now the Food and Drug Association (FDA) has an approved list of low calorie sweeteners that can be used and how much is appropriate for daily intake. The safety of sweeteners is a huge topic and it is up for debate. According to the Mayo Clinic artificial sweeteners need to be used sensibly. They claim that by just removing sugar from cookies and chocolates does not make them low calorie or low fat foods. It also means that if you eat to many, you will still be putting in more calories than needed. For more information on the safety of sweeteners visit here:
When it comes down to the low calorie sweetener it can be used, but should be used in moderation. For instance for all those diet soda drinkers out there, just because it is low calorie and has an artificial sweetener it should not be the only drink you consume on a daily basis. This means that it is important for all of those that use low calorie sweeteners to use them wisely and not over do it. It is important to have balance in your diet and make sure you get enough of all the food groups.